Our Classes

Cardio Flex

a class targeted at improving your cardio vascular fitness and muscular endurance utilising the Panatta race walker and a combination of kettle bells and other functional training equipment. Get the best of both worlds by combining your cardio and weights workout in a motivating group situation where you can be guaranteed a great workout with correct technical guidance every step of the way to ensure you achieve your goals safely.

  • Gets you fighting fit and looking ripped
  • Improves heart and lung function and reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Tones and shapes key muscle groups
  • Maximizes calorie burn during and after your workout
  • Improves bone density
  • Improves posture, core strength and stability
  • Builds self-confidence, strength and power

Classes are free for members so become a Southbound Mega 24/7 gym member and join up today!